100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"

1913 to 2013

Juneau, Alaska

State & Territorial

Joe Hayes

DATE OF BIRTH:May 1, 1970

PLACE OF BIRTH:Manhattan, New York

OCCUPATION:Insurance Agent

EDUCATION:High School: Bahimore Polytechnic Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, 198488. University of Alaska Fairbanks. 1992ยท97, BA Political Science (Minor, General Education).

MILITARY SERVICE:US air Force. Active Duty, Eielson AFB, 1989-92, Inactive Reserves, 1992-96, E-4 Sgt. Honorable Discharge. Awards: Good Conduct Medal. National Defense Service Medal, Commendation Medal.

POLITICAL AND GOVERNMENT POSITIONS:Regent. University of Alaska Board of Regents; Trustee. UA Foundation; President. UAF Student Government; Spokesman, Coalition of Student Leaders; Commissioner. FNS 9 Health and Social Services Commission; legislative Aide for Representative Tom Brice

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS:Restaurant Manager, Apartment Manager. legislative Aide; Insurance Agent, AflAC

SERVICE 0RGANIZATIONS MEMBERSHIP:UAF Allumni Association, NAACP, Kiwanis International

SPECIAL INTERESTS:Public service, reading, bowling, basketball, baseball, tennis, computers